Many life transitions, even good ones, are filled with some sadness, anxiety, fear, or sudden shifts in feeling.
They involve losses of people, places, roles and a sense of where you fit in the world. A life transition can be positive or negative, planned or unexpected. Some are very dramatic, such as accidents, death, divorce, job loss or a serious illness.
Other life transitions are "happy" events like marriage, moving in with a significant other, a new job, moving to a new city, starting school or having a child. Even though these events are typically planned and anticipated, they can stir up a lot of emotional feelings and worry.
Life transitions can bring up questions about your ability to handle change; to adapt and to leave behind familiar ways of being in the world; to find your inner strength and to get through difficult times. This can result in feeling unprepared, thrown into personal turmoil, adrift, alone, sad or withdrawn. People in the midst of a life transition often feel a sense of a loss of themselves and the way they perceive themselves to be.
I can help you learn to accept the changes brought about by life transitions, to mourn and let go of the past, to begin to accept the future, and to find some sense of hopefulness and peace in whatever is happening in you life.